Gibbons, Platinum Heights 79

Christ Church

8   Bedrooms
7   Bathrooms
List Price US$ 375,000  

Property Highlights

Fixer Upper
Apartment block
Swimming pool
Revenue generating
Investment oppurtunity


Property Information

Property Status: For Sale
Type: Apartment Block, Fixer-Upper, Residential
Property ID: 3277SEA
Gross Land Area: 7397 sq. ft.
Floor Area: 5665 sq. ft.


A three storey, multi-family dwelling with 5 self-contained apartments offering great potential with some renovations.

Apartment configuration: The property has a well-planned apartment layout. On the first floor, there is a 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment with front and rear patio, high wooden ceilings and open plan kitchen, living and dining area. There is also an area for a small office and separate laundry area. The ground floor accommodates a 2 Bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment as well as a studio apartment, which share a laundry area. The 2 bedroom has a front and rear patio, open plan kitchen and living room. The studio apartment has a small kitchenette with bathroom.

The lower floor apartments consist of a 2-bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment and a studio apartment which share a laundry area. The 2 bedroom has an open plan kitchen and living area with additional space which could be utilized as an additional bedroom or office space. The studio apartment has a large living/dining space and kitchen.

The property boasts a nicely sized pool towards the back of the property.

The property offers on-site parking for four vehicles, which is convenient for residents. Additionally, the property is within walking distance to public transport.

Considering the property’s features, location and potential for improvement, Platinum Heights 79 is an attractive investment.

SALE PRICE: BDS$750,000 - US$375,000

Property Details


Gross Land Area:     7397 sq. ft.

Floor Area:     5665 sq. ft.


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Price Range
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Caribbean Island Properties Inc.

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